First Draft COMPLETE
First Draft COMPLETE Finish[ed] the damned thing. (Thanks to J. Michael Straczynski) The first draft of anything is shit. — Ernest Hemingway Every first draft is perfect, because all a first draft has to do is exist. It's perfect in its existence. The only way it could be imperfect would be to NOT exist. — Jane Smiley All great stories began as shitty first drafts. There are no exceptions to this.
July 2023 in writing
July 2023 in writing July was a trainwreck. I had planned to finish my first draft by the 20th. Instead, I slowed down and even stopped my progress due to a confluence of issues. I’m barely past my end-of-June word count at the end of July. I’m hoping this is a blip. My plan for August is to finish the damned thing. And start the 2nd draft. Archer We had to put Archer down on the 14th, five months after his initial cancer diagnosis.
Restarting the 3rd POV
Restarting the 3rd POV The past week, most of our energy and attention has gone towards keeping Archer comfortable and happy. That, combined with some other things, insomnia, worry, and the lack of an outline that I believe in, meant writing was my 4th priority that I kept skimping on. I did manage to rethink the new 3rd POV structure and outline, but I haven’t had the energy or focus to get all of those thoughts concrete in writing.
Revisiting the 3rd POV
Revisiting the 3rd POV Confession: I’ve stopped most of the way through my first draft. Today will mark the second day in a row where I didn’t complete a scene, even though I’m only 16 scenes away from the end of the first draft. I realized that this POV arc is completely wrong. I can slog through writing these 16 scenes, knowing that I’ll throw away most or all of them.
June 2023 in writing
June 2023 in writing In June, I finished writing the first draft of the 2nd POV character’s arc, and started on the 3rd and final POV character. I’ve written 77 of 97 outlined scenes; 41 1/2 of 48 outlined chapters. I averaged a little over a scene per day. At my current pace I will finish up the first draft by ~July 20. 2nd POV lessons The story was a little too disjointed in the second POV.